Gazakh District

Gazakh district - after the territorial claims of Armenia against Azerbaijan, Armenian Armed Forces attacked all the districts of Azerbaijan on the border with Armenia. Since March, 1990, Armenian armed troops had fired upon the border villages of Gazakh district. At first they invaded Baghanis Ayrim village located on the Ijevan-Noyemberyan highway. In April, 1992, the Armenians occupied Barkhudarli and Sofulu villages of Gazakh district. Afterwards the Armenians occupied four more villages of Gazakh district – Ashaghi Askipara, Kheyrimli, Gizilhajili, Yukhari Askipara villages. On may 24, 2024, the State Border Service of Azerbaijan took under control the liberated villages of Baghanis Ayrim, Ashaghi Askipara, Kheyrimli and Gizilhajili of the Gazakh district.
Bağanıs Ayrım kəndində 1 ibtidai məktəb, feldşer-mama məntəqəsi, klub və 10373 nüsxə kitab fondu olan kitabxana yandırılıb məhv edilmişdir.

One elementary school, first-aid station, club and a library with holdings containing 10373 books in Baghanis Ayrim village were burned and razed to the ground.
A castle referred to the 5th-8th centuries, Shekergala tomb complex built in 10th century, a tower built in the 17th century, Gatir bridge, Kazim bridge and other architectural monuments, also underground passage laid in the 14th century, 8-year school, medical station, club and a library with holdings containing 10048 books were destroyed in Yukhari Askipara village.
An elementary school, a hospital, a house of culture, 2 libraries with holdings containing 16830 books were demolished in Ashaghi Askipara village. A library with holdings containing 8512 books in Kheyrimli village, a library with holdings containing 10335 books in Gizilhajili village, a library with holdings containing 14829 books in Sofulu village, and a library with holdings containing 16105 books in Barkhudarli village, also public catering establishments, schools, and hospitals were razed to the ground.
On the whole, the military aggression of Armenia inflicted damages on 154 social and technical infrastructures of Gazakh district. As a result of the armed assault of Armenia 12 health facilities, 15 kindergartens, 19 schools were badly damaged; also 25 historic - cultural monuments were destroyed in Gazakh district.

Albanian Temple Yukhari Askipara village

An ancient Albanian temple is located in the village of Yukhari Askipara, on the left bank of the river Coghaz. There is an Albanian cross on the doors of the temple. The inside columns are decorated with floral ornaments and fish paintings. The temple was built in the 5th-8th centuries. Several gravestones were discovered in the courtyard of the temple.
In 1990, the Armenian Armed Forces occupied and burned the Yukhari Askipara village of Gazakh district. Currently, the Albanian temple is located on the territory occupied by Armenians.

Four-cornered Tower in Yukhari Askipara village

One of the monuments remained relatively intact in Yukhari Askipara village of Gazakh district is the Four-cornered tower. It is also named as Koroghlu tower. This high-rise tower erected on the banks of the river Coghaz was a watch tower. The thought-out windows, observation holes, traces of fire intended for warning proves it once again. The tower is square in shape. The length of each side is 8 m. It was very orderly built of the river stone. There are strap-patterns made of the red baked bricks. The cords connecting the storeys were made of the wood. There were supporting buildings in the courtyard. The premises were built in construction style typical for the region in terms of architecture and engineering. This tower is a rare and significant example of the medieval fortifications of Azerbaijan.
In 1990, the Armenian Armed Forces occupied and burned the Yukhari Askipara village of Gazakh district. At the present time, the Four-cornered tower is located on the territory occupied by Armenians.

"Galakend Galasi" temple complex

This temple complex is on the right bank of the Choghaz river in Yukhari Askipara village. Some hypotheses state that it was one of the residences of the Caucasian Albania ruler. The complex stretches for about 2.5 ha and is surrounded with double walls. The distance between the walls is about 12 m. In general, the walls are adjusted to the relief and are strategically built in a perfect style. There are religious, official and household buildings in the inner part of the castle. The most important of them is the temple in the upper part. 21 x 21 x 57 sm baked bricks and local stones are used on the construction of the temple. Many parts of the temple complex got lost in the course of substantial architectural measurement and exploration works in the 1970s. Specialists estimate that the complex dates from the 6th-9th centuries AD.
Currently, the complex is located on the territory occupied by Armenians.

Gatir Bridge in Yukhari Askipara village

This bridge is erected over the Askipara river near Yukhari Askipara village. The length of the bridge is 7.3 m, width in the centre 2.7 m and overall height from its arch till the surface of the river is 5.8 m. The bridge is one arched and made from rocky stones. The overall appearance of the bridge span is semi-circle. The top cover of the passage way is of soil.
In 1990, the Armenian Armed Forces occupied and burned the Yukhari Askipara village of Gazakh district. Currently, the Gatir bridge is located on the territory occupied by Armenians.

Immovable historical and cultural monuments of state importance


Name of the monument

Construction date



V-VII cc

Yukhari Askipara village


Name of the monument

Construction date


Underground road

XIV c.

Yukhari Askipara village

Underground water supply

XIV c.

Yukhari Askipara village

Immovable historical and cultural monuments of local importance


Name of the monument

Construction date



17th c.

Yukhari Askipara village

Gatir bridge

12th-13th c.

Yukhari Askipara village

Gizil Hajili bridge


Yukhari Askipara village

Bridge of Kazim


Yukhari Askipara village

Bridge of Gulujanli


Yukhari Askipara village

Ruins of bath


Yukhari Askipara village

Tower of Koroghlu fortress


Yukhari Askipara village



Yukhari Askipara village



Ashaghi Askipara village



Ashaghi Askipara village

Gatir bridge

19th c.

Mazam village


Name of the monument

Construction date



Middle Ages

Yukhari Askipara village