Shusha District

Shusha district is the administrative district of the Republic of Azerbaijan. It is located in territory of Karabakh Chain of Minor Caucasus. Its area is 290 km2; the population is 28,7 th. (01.01.2023). The central town is the city of Shusha. The region was occupied by Armenian military army on May 8, 1992. On November 8, 2020 the Azerbaijani army liberated Susha city from Armenian occupation. That day is the Victory Day in the history of Azerbaijan.
The district covers the followings: the city of Shusha, settlement of Turshsu and villages of Malibayli, Yukhari Gushchular, Ashaghi Gushchular, Khalfali, Armudlu, Dukanlar, Hasanabad, Garabulag, Aghbulag, Zamanpayasi, Shushulu, Mirzalar, Gaybali, Lachinlar, Shirlan, Chaykend, Pashalar, Memishlar, Khanali, Imamgulular, Jamillar, Safikhanlar, Khanligpaya, Allahgulular, Hasangulular, Boyuk Galaderesi, Kichik Galaderesi, Goytala, Onverest, Zarisli, Nabilar, Saribaba, Dashalti, Naghilar, Khudaverdiler, Imanlar and Turabkhan.
Landscape is mountainous. The highest peak is the Mount of Boyuk Kirs (2725 m).
Prior to the occupation, the sanatorium and resort zone of nationwide importance ran its consistent activities in the city. Livestock breeding played the main role in the region's economy. The following educational and social institutions were active before the occupation: the Shusha branches of the Azerbaijani Pedagogical Institute and Azerbaijani Oil and Chemistry Institute; 24 secondary schools; 6 extra-school institutions; medical school; 8 music and fine arts schools for children; the vocation school of culture and education; the vocational school of music; the vocational school of agriculture; the vocational school; the forestry and health school; the recreation house; cinema house; 5 museums; art gallery; club; library; central regional hospital; 11 maternity points; sanitary and epidemiological station; children sanatorium; ambulance station; city policlinics and dentistry service center.
During the pre-occupation period, 248 historical monuments protected by the state were in the district.
In 2020 Shusha declared the cultural capital of Azerbaijan. The government launched a master plan for restoration of Shusha city.

Ashaghi Govharagha Mosque

The last ruler of Karabakh khanate Ibrahim khan’s daughter Govharagha (real name Govharnisa) was the famous philanthropist of that time.
Ashaghi (Lower) Govharagha Mosque was built by the architect Karbalayi Safikhan Garabaghi at the expense of Govharagha in the years 1874-1875.
The mosque was included in “The list of the immovable historical and cultural monuments of state significance” by resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan No.132, dated August 2, 2001. During the occupation of Shusha in May, 1992, the building and minarets of Ashaghi Govharagha Mosque were severely damaged by being exposed to fires of the armoured vehicles.
On November 8, 2020 the Azerbaijani army liberated Susha city from Armenian occupation.

Bulbul’s House-Museum in Shusha

People’s Artist of the USSR Bulbul’s House-Museum in Shusha existed until 1992, was a branch of the Baku memorial museum. The house-museum consisted of a courtyard, two rooms and a veranda.
Very rare and valuable documents on Bulbul’s creative work, research, pedagogic and public activities were demonstrated there.
On the façade of the museum there is a memorial plaque bearing a bronze portrait of Bulbul’s childhood made by the sculptor Khanlar Ahmadov.
As a result of the occupation of Shusha by the Armenian Armed Forces more than 6 thousand museum pieces were destroyed and the transportable ones were carried to Armenia. Bulbul's statue shot by the Armenian aggressors was placed in the courtyard of the National Art Museum of Azerbaijan during the years of occupation. The statue was returned during the visit of President Ilham Aliyev to Shusha on January 15, 2021.

Estate of Haji Gulu

Haji Gulu’s estate in Khoja Marjanli area was built in 1851. There were 46 rooms and 2 large halls in the three-storey palace built in the national style. One of those halls is supposed to be described in the picture of the Russian artist V. V. Vereshchagin who travelled to Shusha in 1865.
During the occupation of Shusha by Armenians in 1992, Haji Gulus’ property was demolished by the artillery fire.

History museum of Shusha

History museum of the city of Shusha was of History and Ethnography Museum type. The museum contained rare photographs depicting the history of Shusha, documents related to the 19th-20th centuries, the projects, models and photographs of the residential buildings of historical importance constructed in the 18th-19th centuries. There were also interesting stands and exhibits about the well-known Azerbaijani intellectuals, educators, singers, musicians, and writers born and raised in Shusha.
Decorative and applied art section contained valuable art objects, jugs, pot sets, pottery, carpet and rugs woven in Shusha and surrounding villages, decorative knitting patterns. The museum was open until the occupation of the city of Shusha by the invader Armenian army in May, 1992. It was impossible to salvage a significant part of the exhibits.

Khurshidbanu Natavan’s House

A two-storey house belonging to the prominent Azerbaijani poetess Khurshidbanu Natavan was considered one of the historical residential buildings of the 18th-19th centuries. Currently, this house is a semi-abandoned.

Mamayi Mosque

The architect of the same name mosque built in the 19th century in Mamayi area of Shusha was Karbalayi Safikhan Garabaghi. There was a “guldeste” (tent-shaped booth for muezzin) on the house roof of Mamayi mosque which resembled the other quadrangular house roofs of the residential buildings in Shusha. Mamayi mosque functioned as a poetry house during years of soviet power. The mosque has two storeys.

Museum Mausoleum Complex of Molla Panah Vagif

The construction of the Museum Mausoleum Complex of outstanding Azerbaijani poet Molla Panah Vagif was launched in 1977, on the basis of the architect A.V.Salamzade and E.I.Kanukov’s project. The complex was inaugurated in January, 1982. The complex was built on the tomb of the great poet located in the area close to the famous Jidir Duzu (horse race field) - the prominent place of Shusha. About eighty museum pieces reflecting the period of M. P. Vagif’s life in Shusha were exhibited there.
The first secretary of the Central Committee of Azerbaijan Communist Party Heydar Aliyev, as well as, well-known literary and cultural figures took part in the opening of the complex.
As a result of the occupation of Shusha by the Armenian Armed Forces in May, 1992, the complex building and dozens of exhibits contained there were destroyed, and transportable exhibits were carried to Armenia.
On August 29, 2021, the museum-mausoleum complex of the great Azerbaijani poet and public figure Molla Panah Vagif was opened in Shusha after repair, restoration and reconstruction works.

Saatli Mosque

Saatli Mosque was built in 1883, by the prominent Azerbaijani architect Karbalayi Safikhan Garabaghi at the place of the mosque and madrasah built by Panahali khan in 1759. The Mosque was named Saatli after the area it was built.
General structure of the Mosque’s minarets resembles the minarets of Yukhari Govharagha and Aghdam Juma Mosques. Saatli Mosque is considered one of the final masterpieces of Karbalayi Safikhan Garabaghi, built with two minarets. The Mosque has a prayer hall and brick minarets with especially patterned decoration specific to architecture of Karabakh.
During the occupation of Shusha by the Armenian Armed Forces in May, the minaret of the mosque was demolished by the artillery fire.

Shusha Castle

Shusha Castle implies the castle walls embracing the Shusha city of Azerbaijan. The Castle defended the city against the foreign invasions, and over a long period of time had been a symbol of impregnability. Though the Castle had been besieged for a long time during Agha Mahammad Shah Gajar’s attack to the South Caucasus, it could not be seized.
The castle has a strategically favourable location. Thus Shusha Castle is located in the mountainous area. The Shusha plateau is 1600 meters the highest and approx. 1300 meters the lowest above the sea level. This area is covered by deep brooks flowing into the Dashalti and Halfali rivers’ beds.
Taking into account the unfavourable geographical position of Bayat and Shahbulag castles, Panahali Khan, the Khan of Karabagh, enacted a decree on reconstruction of Shusha castle in 1753, and the centre of the Karabagh khanate was transferred to Shusha castle. After reconstruction the castle was for a long time named Panahabad in the sources.
Shusha Castle is one of the most beautiful pieces of the Azerbaijani architecture. The castle is constructed in Arran style of architecture. Mainly the local stone, lime and yolk mixture were used in construction of the castle. The castle has three doors. Ganja door is distinguished by its architectural features. The castle has a circular guard towers. At close quarters of the castle there is a bridge of fine architectural qualities connecting the castle with outside world. The bridge is known as Gala Bridge (“Gala” means castle). In the reign of Panahali Khan, four castle gates were built in order to connect Shusha with the outside world. The names of three gates - Ganja, Aghoghlan and Irevan gates have survived to our time.
It was impossible to find neither name nor the location of the fourth gate. That gate is supposed to be removed during reconstruction of the castle walls by Ibrahimkhalil khan.
On November 8, 2020 the Azerbaijani army liberated Susha city from Armenian occupation.

Shusha Music School

Shusha Music School established on October 10, 1932, was located at the house of the prominent Azerbaijani poetess Khan gizi Natavan. It was the first music school for children in Azerbaijan. The initiative in opening of the music school in Shusha belongs to the outstanding Azerbaijani singer Bulbul born in Shusha.
After the occupation of Shusha by the Armenian Armed Forces, Shusha Music School was torn down.

Shusha Realni School

The first secondary school in Shusha – 6-grade Realni School was founded in September 20, 1881. The first time 159 pupils were enrolled in school consisted of preparation and three main classes.
Shusha Realni School was considered an exemplary educational institution at that time. Despite the religious prohibitions in that school, special attention was paid to the learning and teaching of foreign languages and literature.
Famous Azerbaijani writers Abdurrahim bey Hagverdiyev and Yusif Vezir Chamanzaminli were graduates of that school.
In May, 1992, after the occupation of Shusha, the Armenian vandals burned and utterly ruined the Shusha Realni School.

Uzeyir Hajibeyov’s House-Museum in Shusha

An outstanding Azerbaijani composer Uzeyir Hajibeyov’s House-Museum in Shusha was founded in 1959. The House-Museum continued its activity until the occupation of Shusha by the Armenian invaders in 1992. Along with household items of Hajibeyovs family, the personal belongings, photographs, books of Uzeyir bey, as well as the books dedicated to him and presented to the museum were on exhibition.
Uzeyir Hajibeyov’s anniversaries and jubilees had been constantly commemorated in the museum at national level. In 1985, UNESCO solemnly marked the 100th anniversary of Uzeyir Hajibeyov’s birth. The guests invited from different countries of the world visited Uzeyir Hajibeyov’s House-Museum in Shusha, where jubilee was celebrated.
On May 8, 1992, after the occupation of Shusha by the Armenian invaders the museum discontinued its function. Due to the great efforts of museum’s leadership, the museum pieces were kept safely and brought to Baku. During the occupation time they are kept in Uzeyir Hajibeyov’s House-Museum in Baku.
On August 29, 2021, the statue of the famous Azerbaijani composer Uzeyir Hajibeyli was unveiled in Shusha.

Yukhari Govharagha Mosque

Yukhari Govharagha Mosque means Upper Govharagha Mosque in Azerbaijani language referring to location of the mosque in the upper section of Shusha and to distinguish it from the Ashaghi Govharagha Mosque, the same name mosque located in lower section of the city. Yukhari Govharagha Mosque was built by the architect Karbalayi Safikhan Garabaghi at the expense of Govhar agha in the years 1883-1884, nearly eight years after Ashaghi Govharagha Mosque. The three-beam veranda in the northern section of the mosque gives it a rectangular form (21.30 х 26.20 meters). The mosque has two minarets. The balconies used to host women’s premises of the prayer hall. The same construction pattern can be viewed in Aghdam Juma Mosque and Lower Govharagha Mosque. As in the previous Mosques, the minaret platform of the Upper Govheraga Mosque was built of natural limestone; but geometrical ornaments are not the same with that of the Lower Govharagha Mosque’s minarets. They rather resemble the geometrical ornaments of Aghdam Juma Mosque’s minarets. Garret cover of the minarets had been assembled from the wooden material. A half-moon shaped figure illustrates the array’s last tip.
Yukhari Govharagha Mosque being in operation as a history museum since 1969, was demolished in May, 1992, after occupation of Shusha by the Armenian vandals.

Immovable historical and cultural monuments of state importance


Name of the monument

Construction date


Walls of the fortress


Shusha city

Palace of Panah khan

18th c.

Shusha city

Tower of Garaboyukkhanim

18th c.

Shusha city

Mausoleum of Heydar

19th c.

Shusha city

Estate of Hajigulu

19th c.

Shusha city

House of Natavan

19th c.

Shusha city

House of Asad bey

19th c.

Shusha city

Mosque of Yukhari Govharagha

Was built in 1768-1769, basically repaired in 1837-1838

Shusha city

Mosque of Ashaghi Govharagha

was built in 18th c., it was basically repaired in 1874

Shusha city

Two-floor Karvansaray

19th c.

Shusha city

The estate complex of Mehmandarovs: mosque, small residential house, large residential house

18th c.

Shusha city

Tower of Ibrahim khan

18th c.

Shusha city

Isa spring

19th c.

In 7 km from Shusha city

Castle of Ibrahim khan

18th c.

Shusha city, Dashalti village


Name of the monument

Construction date


House of Uzeyir Hajibayov

19th c.

Shusha city, in the cross of Niyazi and U.Hajibayov St.

Khanlig Mukhtar Caravanserai

18th c.

Shusha city, M.F.Akhundov St.

Caravanserai of Agha Gahraman Mirsiyab oghlu

19th c.

Shusha city, M.F.Akhundov St.

House of Zulfugar Hajibayov

19th c.

Shusha city, Sadigjan St.

Saatli mosque (the first religious school where M.P.Vagif taught)

19th c.

Shusha city, M.F.Akhundov St.

Ganja gateway

18th c.

Shusha city, Niyazi St.

House of A.Hagverdiyev

18th c.

Shusha city, A.Hagverdiyev St.

Gazanchi church

Shusha city, A.Hagverdiyev St.

House of Y.V.Chamanzaminli

18th c.

Shusha city, N.B.Vazirov St.

The medrese of the Yukhari Mosque

18th c.

Shusha city, N.B. Vazirov St.

Caravanserai of Safarov brothers

18th c.

Shusha city, Ojaggulu St

House of Sadigjan

18th c.

Shusha city, Sadigjan St.

House of Ughurlu bey

18th c.

Shusha city, Karbalayi Safikhan St.

Palace of Khan

18th c.

Shusha city, Sadigjan St.

Shirin su bathroom

18th c.

Shusha city, Sadigjan St.

House of Seyid Shushinski

19th c.

Shusha city, Sadigjan St.

Mausoleum of M.P.Vagif

20th c.

Shusha city, G.Guliyev St.

House of Gasim bey Zakir

18th c.

Shusha city, G.b.Zakir St.

The medrese of Ashaghi Govharagha

18th c.

Shusha city, Govharagha St.

House of Behbudovs

18th c.

Shusha city, Kocharli St.

House of Firudin bey

18th c.

Shusha city, G.Pirimov St.

House of M.M.Navvab

18th c.

Shusha city, Navvab St.

House of Bulbul

19th c.

Shusha city, F.Amirov St.

House of F.b.Kocharli

19th c.

Shusha city, 20 January St.

House of Huseyn bey

18th c.

Shusha city, T.Aliyev St.

House of Kechachi oghlu Mahammad

19th c.

Shusha city, T.Aliyev St.


18th c.

Shusha city, Vagif St.

House of Garay Asadov

18th c.

Shusha city, G.Asadov St.

House of S.S.Akhundov

19th c.

Shusha city, U.Hajibeyov St.

House of J.Garyaghdioghlu

18th c.

Shusha city, J.Garyaghdioghlu St.


Name of the monument

Construction date



The Bronze Age

To the north-west from Shusha town

Shusha and Shushakand stone box graves

Late Bronze and Early Iron Age

Near Shusha town and Shusha village

Shusha cave camp

The Stone Age

In the south of Shusha city, on the left shore of Dashalti river

Stone box necropolis

The Iron Age

Garabulag village


Late Bronze and Early Iron Age

Dolanlar village

Immovable historical and cultural monuments of local importance


Name of the monument

Construction date


Building of Realni School

20th c.

Shusha city, V.Jafarov St.

Building of hospital

19th c.

Shusha city, Kocharli St.

Residential house

19th c.

Shusha city, Kocharli St.

Girl School

19th c.

Shusha city, V.Jafarov St.

Residential house of Aslan Garasharov

19th c.

Shusha city, G.Asgarov St.

Residential house

19th c.

Shusha city, G.Asgarov St.

Residential house

19th c.

Shusha city, G.Asgarov St.

Residential house

19th c.

Shusha city, G.Asgarov St.

Residential house

19th c.

Shusha city, G.Asgarov St.

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, Panah khan St.

Residential house

19th c.

Shusha city, U.Hajibayov St.

Residential house of Mashadi Ibrahim

19th c.

Shusha city, V.Jafarov St.

Residential house of Mashadi Novruz

19th c.

Shusha city, Panah khan St.

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, G.b.Zakir St.

Residential house

Shusha city, G.b.Zakir St.

Residential house of Hasan agha

19th c.

Shusha city, Hagverdiyev St.

Residential house

19th c.

Shusha city, Aghadadali St.

Residential house

19th c.

Shusha city, Aghadadali St.

Residential house of Shukur bey

19th c.

Shusha city, Aghadadali St.

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, H.Hajiyev St.

Residential house

19th c.

Shusha city, H.Hajiyev St.

Residential house

Shusha city, Ojaggulu St.

Residential house of Jafargulu agha

18th c.

Shusha city, Bulbul St.

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, Bulbul St.

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, Bulbul St.

Ruins of church

Shusha city, G.Pirimov St.


Shusha city, M.F.Akhundov St.

Khan gizi spring

Shusha city, M.F.Akhundov St.

Mardinli spring

Shusha city, Sadigjan St.


18th c.

Shusha city

Aghadadali spring

18th c.

Shusha city, Aghadadali St.

Girl monastery

18th-19th cc.

Shusha city, Gorky St.


18th c.

Shusha city, Sabir St., in the Kocharli quarter


18th c.

Shusha city, Kocharli quarter


19th c.

Shusha city, Govharagha St.

Lachin water reservoir

19th c.

Shusha city, Garabakh St.

House of Suleyman Vazirov

19th c.

Shusha city, Novrast St.

Gurdlar spring


Shusha city, in the cross of general Guliyev and Hagverdiyev St.


19th c.

Malibayli village

Novlu spring

19th c.

Malibayli village


19th c.

Malibayli village


19th c.

Dashalti village

Administrative building

19th c.

Malibayli village


19th c.

Geybali village


Name of the monument

Construction date


Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, M.F.Akhundov St.

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, M.F.Akhundov St.

Residential house of Mamay bey

18th c.

Shusha city, M.F.Akhundov St.

Residential house of Mashadi Teymur

18th c.

Shusha city, M.F.Akhundov St.

Shor spring

19th c.

Shusha city, M.F.Akhundov St.

Residential house of Khudu Mammadov

19th c.

Shusha city, Kh.Mammadov St.

House of Alakbar bay

19th c.

Shusha city, A.B.Hagverdiyev St.


18th c.

In the Chukhur quarter, Vazirov St.


18th c.

In the Chukhur quarter, Vazirov St.

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, L.Imanov St.

Residential house of Latif Imanov

18th c.

Shusha city, L.Imanov St.

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, L.Imanov St.

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, L.Imanov St.

Mosque and caravanserai of Haji Abbas

18th c.

Shusha city, N.B.Vazirov St.

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, N.B.Vazirov St.

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, N.B. Vazirov St.

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, N.B. Vazirov St.

Mardinli mosque

19th c.

Shusha city, A.Garasharov St.

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, A.Garasharov St.

Residential house of Jahangir bay

19th c.

Shusha city, A.Garasharov St.

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, A.Garasharov St.

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, A.Garasharov St.

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, A.Garasharov St.

Residential house of Haji Mammad

18th c

Shusha city, A.Garasharov St.

Residential house

18th c

Shusha city, A.Garasharov St.

Residential house

18th c

Shusha city, A.Garasharov St.

Residential house

18th c

Shusha city, A.Garasharov St.

Residential house

18th c

Shusha city, A.Garasharov St.

Residential house

18th c

Shusha city, Guliyev St.

Mosque of Haji Yusifli

18th c

Shusha city, G.Ismayilov St.

Residential house

18th c

Shushacity, G.Ismayilov St.

House of Mashadi Salman

18th c

Shusha city, G.Ismayilov St.

Julfalar mosque

19th c

Shusha city, U.Hajibayov St.

Residential house

18th c

Shusha city, Govharagha St.

Residential house

18th c

Shusha city, Govharagha St.


18th c

Shusha city, Govharagha St.


20th c.

Shusha city, A.Aghaoghlu St.

Residential house of Haji Alibala

19th c

Shusha city, A.Aghaoghlu St.

Residential house of Kabla Azad

19th c.

Shusha city, A.Aghaoghlu St.

Hamamgabaghi spring

19th c.

Shusha city, A.Aghaoghlu St.

Residential house of Haji Sadig

18th c

Shusha city, A.Aghaoghlu St.

"Chol Gala" spring

18th c

Shusha city, Shakhriyar St.

House of Haji Ibad

18th c

Shusha city, Fatma khanim Kamina St.

Chol Gala mosque

18th c

Shusha city, Shakhriyar St.

Residential house

18th c

Shusha city, L.Karimov St.

House of Meshedi Suleyman

18th c

Shusha city, L.Karimov St.

Residential house

18th c

Shusha city, L.Karimov St.

Residential house

18th c

Shusha city, L.Karimov St.

Residential house

19th c.

Shusha city, L.Karimov St.

Residential house

19th c.

Shusha city, L.Karimov St.

Residential house

19th c.

Shusha city, L.Karimov St.

Residential house

19th c.

Shusha city, L.Karimov St.

House of Musavi

18th c.

Shusha city, L.Karimov St.

Residential house

19th c.

Shusha city, L.Karimov St.

Residential house of Haji Mammadbaghir

19th c.

Shusha city, Karbalayi Safikhan St.

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, Karbalayi Safikhan St.

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, Karbalayi Safikhan St.

Residential house of Husu Hajiyev

19th c.

Shusha city, Karbalayi Safikhan St.

Residential house

19th c.

Shusha city, Karbalayi Safikhan St.

House of Mashadi Zeynal Hatamov

18th c.

Shusha city, Kocharli St.

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, Kocharli St.

House of Mashadi Ali

18th c.

Shusha city, Kocharli St.

House of Mashadi Sahliyar

18th c.

Shusha city, Kocharli St.

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, Kocharli St.

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, Kocharli St.

House of Haji Dadash

18th c.

Shusha city, Kocharli St.

House of A.Azimov

18th c.

Shusha city, Kocharli St.

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, G.Pirimov St.

House of Mashadi Ibrahim

18th c.

Shusha city, G.Pirimov St.

House of Mashadi Jalal

18th c.

Shusha city, G.Pirimov St.

Square spring

Shusha city, Rasulzadeh St.

Residential house of Haji Bashir

18th c.

Shusha city, Rasulzadeh St.

Residential house of Tailor Bakhram

19th c.

Shusha city, Nizami St.

Residential house of Mashadi Husu

19th c.

Shusha city, Nizami St.

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, Navvab St.

House of Mammad Hasan oghlu

18th c.

Shusha city, F.Amirov St.

Residential house of Kalba Mahammad

19th c.

Shusha city, F.Amirov St.

Mosque of Khoja Marjanli

18th c.

Shusha city, Sabir St.

Spring of Khoja Marjanli

18th c.

Shusha city, Sabir St.

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, Sabir St.

Residential house

19th c.

Shusha city, 20 January St.

Residential house of Bahman Mirza

19th c.

Shusha city, 20 January St.

Food storehouse of Bahman Mirza

19th c.

Shusha city, 20 Yanvar St.

Residential house of Gulam Shah

19th c.

Shusha city, 20 Yanvar St.

Residential house of H.B.Vazirov

19th c.

Shusha city, 20 Yanvar St.

Kocharli mosque

19th c.

Shusha city, 20 Yanvar St.

Guyulug mosque

18th c.

Shusha city, G.Asgarov St.

House of Seyid Majid

18th c.

Shusha city, G.Asgarov St.

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, G.Asadov St„ 11

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, G.Asadov St., 12


18th c.

Seyidli quarter

Seyidli mosque

19th c.

Shusha city, in the cross of general Guliyev and J.Garyaghdioghlu St.

House of Mashadi Gara

19th c.

Shusha city, J.Garyaghdioghlu St.

Residential house

19th c.

Shusha city, Shakhriyar St.

Residential house

19th c.

Shusha city, Shakhriyar St.

Residential house of Kabla Yusif

18th c.

Shusha city, Shakhriyar St.

Residential house of Zohrabbeyov

early 18th c.

Shusha city, Ojaggulu St.

Residential house

19th c.

Shusha city, Ojaggulu St.

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, Ojaggulu St.

House of Mashadi Ibish

18th c.

Shusha city, Chamanzaminli St.

House of Mashadi Zulfugar

19th c.

Shusha city, Chamanzaminli St.

House of Haji Aslan

18th c.

Shusha city, Chamanzaminli St.

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, Chamanzaminli St.

House of Haji Malik oghlu

18th c.

Shusha city, Chamanzaminli St.

Residential house of Mir Hasan Vazirov

19th c.

Shusha city, Chamanzaminli St.

Mamay spring

20th c.

Shusha city, Akhundov St.

Mosque of Mamayi


Shusha city, G.Askarov St.

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, Fuzuli St.

Residential house

18th c.

Shusha city, Fuzuli St.

Residential house of Faramazovs

19th c

Shusha city, Dada Gorgud St.

Residential house

20th c.

Shusha city, Dada Gorgud St.


Name of the monument

Construction date


Bust of M.P.Vagif


Shusha city, Vagif St.

House-museum of Bulbul (369 exhibits)


Shusha city, Shahriyar St.

House-museum of U.Hajibeyov (300 exhibits)


Shusha city, in the crossing of Niyazi and U.Hajibeyov St.

House-museum of Mir Mohsun Navvab (100 exhibits)


Shusha city, Navvab St.

On-grave monument of Mir Mohsun Navvab


Shusha city, general Guliyev St.